Jun 28, 2013

14 weeks!

Hello 2nd trimester!

I honestly cannot believe how quickly the weeks are flying by. It seems like just yesterday I pissed on a couple sticks and was telling Diesel he was going to be a big brother. (you're all probably thinking I'm oddly obsessed with my dog now after yesterday's post and the fact that I just admitted he was the first person I told. whatevs.)

Baby size: Lemon
Any symptoms? sore boobs went away for a day or so but don't worry, they hurt like a mother now.
Cravings? I've been wanting buffalo flavored things this week, wings to be exact.
Favorite part this week? FINALLY hearing the heartbeat on the doppler or when the ultrasound tech confirmed my greatest fear.. the baby inherited my head. More on that in a minute.
Least favorite part this week? more bleeding, like actual bleeding this time. More on that in a minute too.
Boy or Girl? still feeling like JellyBean is a boy
Names? We basically keep adding names to each list, but not dead set on "this" for a girl or "that" for a boy.

So, the more that I was talking about.

Monday I woke up to some bleeding. Awesome. Every pregnant woman's worry was happening. I wasn't sure if I should call the doctor or not since I had a regular appointment scheduled for Thursday (yesterday) and Danny and I had, in the words of Blake Shelton, done what married people do, the day before. I went to work, the guy I work with could tell something was wrong and said I looked pale (worrying much?). So, I went home and got in bed for a couple hours until my meeting with my customer. Around noon the bleeding had stopped. Great, everything is fine.

Tuesday, same thing happens and of course Danny is at work. I decide 2 days in a row is worth a phone call to the doctor, regardless of there being an appointment in 2 days. I had my mom on stand by to go with me in case the doctor wanted to see me since Danny was at work and him getting coverage on short notice wasn't a sure thing. The nurse told me my doctor wanted me to get an ultrasound done and I could come in as soon as I could, then go to her office afterwards. Danny's coworkers are awesome and one came in to cover for a couple hours and my mom still made her way up here (I'm a lucky girl). Danny and I went back for the ultrasound and the tech immediately found the heartbeat! Thank you, Jesus. I had Danny go get my mom so I could laugh at her for crying, which she did and I got my laugh. The tech got some really great pictures and did some measurements for us.
Side note: My dad had a LARGE head. One size fits all hats do not fit all. Fitted hats, he wore a size 8. Average is like 7 1/4 or some shit. I got my dad's head and Danny makes fun of me almost daily. So much, in fact, that our niece asks her mom when they are at Claires "if the headbands will fit Aunt Erin." Cute, right? Carry on...
 As of Tuesday, which would have been 13 weeks and 5 or 6 days, the body was measuring 13 weeks and 4 days and the head was measuring 14 weeks and 2 days. Sooooo shocking. My mom and Danny lost it. Awesome guys, since you know, you're the ones that will be pushing it out. My mom has rights to laugh since she had to push a giant Overman head out.

Turns out I probably won't be "pushing" it out either. The doctor reviewed the images and it turns out I have placenta previa which basically means the placenta is blocking my cervix. Dr said its a complete previa now and she's not very confident that it will move on its own, which partial previas usually do. What does this mean? I'll most likely have a c-section at 38 weeks. Going into labor on my own is bad. So, as of right now, this kid will be here in the middle of December and not at Christmas. Which I'm not mad about. I'm also not too worried about this condition. I am in wonderful hands and the OB unit at the hospital is awesome. I may be partial since my sister-in-law is a nurse there, but that's okay.

Check up yesterday went great. The doctor was able to find the heartbeat just using the doppler this time. Which makes me excited because with all these "scares" Danny and I decided investing in our own was a good idea. It should be here next Tuesday. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

Anyone else have placenta previa or know someone who did?


  1. Oh my goodness. First of all. How scary with the bleeding but I am SO glad things are okay with the baby. That's the most important thing and hopefully things will all be okay!

    Second, I am so jealous you are getting a doppler!!! That will be SO fun. I would be obsessive and listen to it 24/7 haha! I took a video of the last time I was there just so I could hear it anytime I want... (obsessive much?) haha!

  2. I bleed some too, after doing what married couple do. It scared me at first but i went straight to my What To Expect book and it said it was normal. I waited a few days like it said, but worried the whole time. Being pregnant brings joy but also its share of worried at every little change of your body. Take care... The best is yet to come :-)

  3. I bleed some too, after doing what married couple do. It scared me at first but i went straight to my What To Expect book and it said it was normal. I waited a few days like it said, but worried the whole time. Being pregnant brings joy but also its share of worried at every little change of your body. Take care... The best is yet to come :-)
