Jun 10, 2013

Weekend Recap

First of all, I apologize for posting a depressing story on Thursday and then not following up with my regular rambling and bumpdate on Friday. Sometimes when you're ready to talk about something sad and life changing like that, you just have to go with it and get it out before you talk yourself out of it.

There are 3 reasons for no bumpdate on Friday.
1. My mom and  I had to be at my mother-in-law's house at 6am to set up for the rummage.
2. There really hasn't been any change from the week before
3. We totally didn't take a picture last week.

Onto my weekend...

Like I said, Friday I had to be at Danny's mom's at 6am. The sun was barely out when we got there and that's just not okay. What is also not okay when you have to be up that early is ordering 2 hashbrowns from McDonald's and them not ringing them up or giving them to you. Assholes. The rummage went really well Friday and we had A LOT of shit set out. I didn't really have a lot, I had maybe $130 worth of stuff, but my mom, sister-in-law and her mom had a lot. We were fairly busy the entire day.

After we got everything covered up with tarps, my mom and I headed to my house to get ready for dinner with my brother and his girlfriend. My brother was taking a class for his insurance license this week and he passed the test! So that called for celebration. I was so tired though. I think I nodded off in the booth at the mexican restaurant.

Saturday's wake up call was an hour later, which was normal for me. Danny's stepdad made us all breakfast.. bacon, eggs, biscuits, sausage... it was great. He's a sweetheart. The rummage on Saturday was a bust. Not busy at all for some reason and we still had a lot of stuff. I made a whole $10 on Saturday. I wasn't too pissed about it. Out of $130 worth of stuff, I sold $90. After the rummage, we all headed to our niece's dance recital and it was ADORABLE! So cute, in fact, that Danny is not open to the idea of Jellybean being a girl. haha. After the recital Danny treated me to the delicious snocone I've been wanting for about 2 weeks now. It was all I'd hoped for. It was also really nice to have a green mouth when I showed up at my best friend's graduation party. Oh well.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon with my friend Shelby in Indianapolis. We went to lunch at Chili's and then shopping. Old Navy had some cute shorts and cardigans so I picked up 2 pairs of shorts and a cardigan that will work for this summer. Next we went to the Container Store. That store is comprable to Disney World for someone with OCD. Our last shopping destination was Buy Buy Baby and holy shit, Batman, did they have a lot of stuff. I'm really glad I had a chance to go look around at things before its actually time to start registering, picking out stuff and making purchases. I definitely would have been overwhelmed if the day we registered was the first time I entered the store. After Buy Buy Baby we went to The Flying Cupcake.
My after lunch dessert is on the right and dinner is on the left.
The rest of my night was nothing but lounging on the couch watching tv. Real Housewives of NJ made me cry last night. I won't spoil the tear jerker moment for those that maybe haven't watched it.
All in all, it was a pretty good weekend. Hope you all had a great one too!! :)

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