Tonight as I was driving home, I turned on Kenny Chesney's song "Woman With You" from his When the Sun Goes Down album, my all-time favorite Kenny Chesney cd, hands down. Every song is incredible. But this song is the one I can relate too the most.
Ever since my dad died 2 1/2 years ago, I have taken on a whole new life. I went from being a 20 year old college student that had a boyfriend and thinking about running for president of her chapter, to 20 year old college student that was president of a company and also managed a couple of rental houses and sorted through her dad's estate. That is A LOT! I asked for it though and was hell bent on it being that way. My dad built everything from the ground up and I would do whatever it took to continue his hard work. Now, almost 3 years later, everything is really resting on my shoulders. The employees that my dad "trusted" quit, without notice(after being given the world on a silver platter), and majority of the work is on my shoulders, I have never worked so hard in my entire life. I've complained almost nonstop all of my posts that I'm crazy busy. It all comes to a screeching halt on Friday and I couldn't be more excited. The thing I'm looking forward to the most? I can go back to being Danny's wife.
I miss just being with my husband and sitting on the couch together. I miss cooking him dinner every night, getting all of his laundry done before the last second, running random errands in the afternoon, long lunches. I am going to get all of this back in a few short days and I couldn't be more thrilled.
Ever since the early months of our relationship, I knew I wanted to be Danny's wife. When I got to college and quickly learned the "party scene" wasn't my cup of tea, I couldn't wait to be in this part of my life. Now that its hear and we are a year and a half in, I am LOVING life and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us because its going to be great! Even greater if we get to go on the Newlywed Game, since I totally signed us up last Friday night :)
Alright I'm done being mushy girl in love and will talk about my greatest accomplishment of the day. It was 7pm, I was headed home from visiting my grammy in the hospital (all is okay, she has cellulitis, aka infection) and STARVING! Its a 15ish minute drive from there to my house. You can take the long route and drive by Taco Bell, Wendys, Arbys, McDonalds and Burger King which are all quick, cheap and easy food options. OR you can go the country route and bypass all of that greasy goodness. I chose country route so I could speed and get home quicker and eat my healthier dinner that consisted of a wrap for 260ish calories. Of course I wanted a mexican pizza, jr bacon cheeseburger, mozzarella sticks, french fries and a shamrock shake, but I wanted the healthier wrap more. Progess is being made folks!
Thats it for now. Don't be surprised if you don't hear from me until after the St. Patty's Day shenanigans. Wish me luck!
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