The hubs is going out of town this weekend. He got invited to go on a fishing trip in NW Ohio with some friends from paramedic school and he invited my brother to go with him. Awww. So, being the wannabe super wife that I am, I channeled my inner Betty Crocker and made some treats for them.
You're welcome boys. I fully expect Danny and Drew to eat them all by themselves on the way over and not share with everyone else. They're like that. They'll be back Sunday evening. I'm really excited for them. Danny works super hard and has a hard time with relaxing. Just not in his DNA. Drew also enjoys stuff like this. He talked about Danny's bachelor party for like a week after it was over, and all it was was sitting around a fire and drinking beer. Makes my heart smile.
I decided that since they are going to be having fun this weekend, I would set up a date with my mama and Drew's girlfriend. Cheesecake Factory anyone? Thats not even a real question. I just have to get through the day and night without eating that Taco Bell that I've been craving since I saw it on TV last night. I swear, if it weren't for TV commercials, I would be maybe just a little skinnier. They turn my tastebuds into demanding little shits.
Last night I posted these pics on Instagram (erinshell10) of my baby.
Is that pic on the left not the sweetest thing in the world? He had the cutest little belly when he was a puppy. Now that pic on the right? I was up late working on a scrapbook one night and not paying a bit of attention to him. It as 1 a.m. and he wanted to go to bed. He said screw the sectional couch in the living room and climbed up on the end table. Instead of being mad, I died laughing. I mean, he weighs like 55 pounds. Its not like he's a lap dog, not that the size of the dog makes it more acceptable to lay on small tables or anything.If I don't start working now, it's going to be really difficult for me to leave here by 3 justbecauseIwanttoo. See what I mean? My desk is in a constant state of distress. I can tell you where every single thing is 95% of the time. The other 5% is when the phone is ringing, the scanner won't work and my cell phone is going off. It happens.
Have a good weekend!
Hope you have a nice and quiet weekend! Those yummy treats look so good!!!