Aug 2, 2013

19 weeks!

Our ultrasound went great yesterday! The lady said everything looked great and we are having a healthy baby BOY!!!

Danny was so excited. The tech said "Well its a boy" and Danny said, "are you serious" and she told him yeah. Our of the corner of my eye, I caught him fist pumping. It was adorable and reminded me why I love him. His emotions sometimes take control when he gets excited and its awesome.

Baby size: Mango - we were told he weighs 10 ounces
Any symptoms?  back pain. bad pregnancy brain.
Cravings? I wanted a slushie yesterday and got really disappointed when it sucked
Favorite part this week? finding out we're having a BOYYY
Least favorite part this week? I felt kind of sick yesterday morning and I slept terribly Wednesday night (but that was probably due to excitement!)
Boy or Girl? BOY!! :)
Names? Since yesterday we've been calling him one name in particular, but Danny isn't ready to commit just yet.

I told Danny early in the week that after the appointment we had to go to Target. I've been itching to buy something for months but was waiting until we knew the sex. We picked up 2 sets of onesies and a pack of bibs. One of the bibs says "these fools put my cape on backwards" and Danny had to have it.

We got some pretty good news during the ultrasound too. The tech said it looked like the placenta has moved! She told me to keep following the restrictions the doctor put me on, but she doesn't see why she wouldn't lift them. Remember how I said sometimes Danny's emotions take over? Well, when she said that, he high fived me... and it wasn't because I was going to be able to carry the laundry baskets through the house.

We are so thrilled to be having a little boy! Now we have lots to do to get ready for our little guy!!


  1. Congrats! So excited for ya'll!

  2. Yay!!!! Congratulations!!! So happy and excited for you!!!! Glad he's healthy too!!

  3. Congrats on the baby boy! So exciting!
