Jan 5, 2015

NYE + Weekend Recap

Holy crap am I glad to be back at work. Even though today is shaping up to be the portrait of a freaking Monday (read: a shitty one), I'm so happy to be getting back to our routine it's not even funny. Two flexible weeks has made for one almost bat shit crazy Erin. Almost went completely bat shit crazy last night when my child screamed, bloody murder, for 5 entire minutes because he wanted the Swiffer WetJet out of the closet. At 9pm. Danny was at work and I will not lie, I called him crying. After a couple rounds of Somethin' Bad and a Tylenol-milk bottle (its kind of concerning how much my kid likes cherry flavored Tylenol milk), he finally went to sleep and so did I.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, here is what our New Year's Eve looked like. It was pretty perfect. We had arranged for Tucker to stay at Danny's mom's so we could go to the bar around the corner with some friends. At approximately 2pm on NYE, the bar posted a reminder that they'd be closing at 9. Well shit. Luckily we had a surprise birthday-NYE combo party for my cousin's boyfriend to go to too, so we just went there. There was a nacho bar. When my dad's family does food, they don't mess around, so this nacho bar was heaven. Like, I want to see another one in my near future. There was chicken, beef, guacamole, sour cream, 2 kinds of cheese sauces, sour cream, lettuce, finely diced tomatoes, jalapenos, salsa, shredded cheese. Like I said, heaven. I visited twice. After we stuffed ourselves with nachos, and struggled to have one drink since we were still recovering from our night out last Saturday, we went home. At 11. We went to bed at 11:30. We don't have cable so we couldn't watch the ball drop even if we wanted too.

I got up pretty early on New Years Day to work out and get some things done before I picked Tucker up. We had grand plans of taking the tree down before my mom, brother and some friends arrived for Danny's New Years lunch. We normally go to Danny's dad's, but he and his wife left us all to fend for ourselves and left for FL for 2 months 3 days after Christmas. We made due and ended up having a ton of food when our friends backed out. I will be just fine waiting until 2016 to eat another bite of corned beef.

The rest of the weekend was spent running errands, getting Tucker's passport for the Alaska cruise, getting our house somewhat organized, and watching Friends.

Oh, and in case you thought you had a real shot at Mother of the Year for 2015, you might as well quit trying. I've already got it in the bag! Saturday I was cooking dinner while Danny was sleeping off whatever sickness he had. Tucker was in his seat on the island, like he usually is while I make dinner so I can keep him contained, even though he shouldn't be (obviously, as you will see). I'm stirring the macaroni and I hear this noise. I turn around to see Tucker falling backwards off the other side of the island. I felt so, so, so horrible. Luckily, he didn't hit is head and after 10 minutes of screaming and crying (both of us), he was back to normal. It took me the rest of the night to recover. I just kept thinking of how bad it could have been, which is never productive. So yeah, as of 1/3/15, my entry for MOTY was already completed.

Our first 2015 weekend is in the books. And I'm glad its over!


  1. I have mom fails like that too... Let see. Not paying attention to a 1.5 year old who is playing under the ironing board.. that has a hot iron on it. Thank my stars it didn't fall over. Or letting him be a big boy and come up the stairs himself (all 16 of them). I get to the top and let him come up on his own only for him to get to the 2nd to last step and he fall down the wooden stairs.... I will never go ahead of him and coax him up the stairs again.... Sounds like you had an awesome new year. I would love to have a nacho bar like the one you mention.

  2. Oh my goodness girl... so glad Tucker didn't get hurt! I don't think you ever have a dull moment in your house :) Haha.
