Jan 16, 2015

Five on Friday

I'll be typing this post with my eyes either glazed completely over, or shut. Tucker is killing me this week. He's gotten up between 1-3am every. single. night. since Sunday. I practically hit the button on the Kuerig for coffee number 2 as I finished number 1. Thank you God for Friday!

1. We came up with our home project for the year.  Ever since we moved in, I've had grand plans of a master bedroom with a bathroom. While that would be nothing but lovely, its not in the cards financially yet. Danny and I also agreed that a mudroom that doubles as a laundry room would benefit us more right now. Our kitchen area is a hot freaking mess at all times. You practically have to turn sideways to walk to the toilet and shower in our bathroom because the washer and dryer are in there. A mudroom would give us a clean, less cluttered house. We are meeting with a contractor that Danny works with at the fire department next week (who was also my softball coach in high school. we are such small town people) to talk plans and numbers. We are going to build the room right over our covered back porch, so there is already a roof. It just needs 4 walls with windows, a finished floor, a couple doors and some electricity. I cannot wait! Here is kind of what I'm thinking.

2. In true Erin fashion, I have managed to injure myself now that I am literally days away from finishing T25.  I planned on doing Week 5, Day 3 of the Beta round last night, but my right leg had other plans.  I am either battling shin splits, or a small stress fracture. I took last night off and will be taking tonight off too. Hopefully I feel up to working out Saturday night. I'm kind of bummed that the 10 week program will be taking me almost 12, but finishing it is what counts! I also feel like I'm in the middle of volleyball two-a-days. Shin splints were inevitable for me.
3. For the first time in months, I bought coffee creamer while at the grocery store. Coffeemate had an ad for their new chocolate chip cookie creamer on Facebook that had been haunting me for weeks. I had to try it. Fortunately, and unfortunately, there was one lonely bottle left. I felt that was a sign and grabbed it. I also grabbed some Bailey's bourbon vanilla pound cake creamer too. Both have been delicious, but the Bailey's one is my fave. Probably because its cake flavored.
4. We all know that I love Mix and Match Mama. I have come to love her even more of the last couple of weeks as her and her family have brought their sweet Ashby home. She has been documenting their trip to get Ashby on her family blog as well as on her IG account. Its been so fun following their journey. They arrived back in Texas last night and seeing all of the photos of their friends and family welcoming them at the airport gave me chills.
5. I still have a little bit of Christmas money to spend. I've spent most of it on things for the house, like a tv stand, since I didn't think I really wanted anything. Well, turns out I want things. Mostly a FitBit.  I want the one that tracks it all. Your activity and your sleep. I know this week that my sleep quality is a joke, but the sleep part is what interests me the most. I am a very light sleeper. And my husband is a very heavy, active, all over the freaking bed sleeper. The dog is the same way. He runs and wimpers in his sleep. On a good day, I get at least 7 hours of sleep. But more times than not, I wake up tired. I understand I have a 13 month old, but 7 hours of sleep shouldn't leave me feeling exhausted still. I'll report back if I get one and how its working for me. In all honestly, there is no "if." I'm going to get one. I'll let you know how it goes.
That's it for this Friday.


  1. Looks like we both have home projects in the works for the year... I am going to get my contractor friends at my house some day and my husband will be left standing with the bill. I want a fitbit too. I have the polar watch thing but I want more - lol. I want to track my everyday activity too. As along as you finish T25 it will count as long as you finish it... don't hurt yourself more trying to finish.

  2. Shay's journey with adopting that little girl is amazing! The post she wrote about the orphanage was so sad! I couldn't believe how many kids there are there! :( Hopefully Tucker is sleeping better now! Yay for the mudroom/laundry room! That's going to be amazing!! Can't wait to see the progress!
