Dec 29, 2016

Resolutions for 2017

As most people do, I spend the last couple of weeks of the year thinking about what I want to work on in the  new year. I've nailed down what I think is a pretty awesome list and I can't wait to see what I can get done!

I want to look at my 2016 goals and see how I did. I honestly did not revisit this list enough throughout the year and I'm hoping that is something I can improve on in 2017.
1. Take more pictures - I don't think my picture taking increased from the year before at all. I did however get all of the pictures off of my phone every few months so there's that!
2. Give up pop - I did really well for the first few months. It unfortunately picked back up after I got pregnant. What a horrible time to start drinking pop again lol.
3. Take care of myself - I was a little better at self care this year than the last 2. I realized a couple of months ago that even though showering at night is more convenient, showering in the morning makes my hair look better. As shallow as it is, when my hair looks good I feel great. I didn't have as many late nights and I had some success at keeping my skin moisturized too. I would say this resolution was accomplished even though this pregnancy hasn't been the portrait of health that I would have liked.
4. Move my body - Great first half of the year, but a pretty bad second half. I blame pregnancy and restrictions. I can't wait to start working out again!
5. Stay organized - There is room to improve on this. I had a feeling when I got pregnant and had to stop taking my Adderall that my organization would fall apart. I don't feel like a complete hot mess, but its not pretty over here haha.
6. Quit biting my nails - I have quit! As long as my nails are painted most of the time then I'm not tempted. I honestly can't remember the last time I did it.

Now for 2017...
1. Decorate all room in the house - I'm going to do this room by room. The mudroom should be done next week and then I'll start with Charlee's room for obvious reasons. We've decided to stay put and not move, so I want to make it pretty!
2. Run in 2 5K's - Running was the most efficient workout after Tucker was born and I'm sure it will be the same with 2 kids. I was able to leave work and get a quick run in before picking him up most days, so I'm hoping I can do the same. To save my back, I'm going to pick PiYo back up at some point. Probably before I start running again.
3. Get wills done - I am embarrassed to say that I do not have one done. As a mother and a business owner, this needs to get done pretty quickly.
4. Consistent contributions to our kids' education fund(s) - Right now there is just one fund until we are sure we are done having children. I put money in periodically and there is quite a bit in there considering I've maxed out my retirement fund for the year, Danny's is done, my car is paid off and we pay extra on our house. I'm hoping to do a better job this year.
5. Have friends over for dinner once a month - I'm keeping this one for later in the year, like July through December since the first part will be spent preparing for and adjusting to 2 kids.
6. More quality time with Danny - It's not secret that life with 2 kids will be stressful, but I want to make sure our marriage gets attention too. More attention that just sitting in the same room and listening to the same TV show. Regular date nights, at home or out, need to be a priority.
7. Do 1 craft of DIY project per month - This one kind of goes with #1. I have a few décor projects in mind and I have some ideas for Christmas gifts for next year.

The list is pretty random, but I can't wait to get started on some of it!

1 comment:

  1. Great job on last years goals! Yay for no more nail biting! Your list for this years goals is very realistic and attainable! Your right, marriage takes a back seat with kiddos! We too, need to make a will! I just mentioned that the other day!
